Around these parts, nobody gives a rats ass about racing...just pay up sucker!

That said, I have a guy who is very convenient and does great work who will accept my race tires. It costs me, but at least he does them.

My trackside experience has been mixed. The guy up north could hardly care, and has even moved all my stuff so he could use my paddock spot when I was on track instructing for the club. A lot of "B%^ls he has. He told me he needed the spot, he's trying to make money. jolly good...but it's not like he was performing charity work!

So, no business to him ever again from me. Not that he impressed me before that incident.

The guys from Tenn..Appalachian Tire..Hoosier Tire South..WOW! What a difference! Talk about wanting to do business with someone again! I learned a lot from them, they were TOTALLY helpful, on time, friendly and easy going. Made me want to move South! (Interestingly, he knew of the Northern guy and admited the reputation wasn't favorable)

I buy my tires from tire rack, as they heat cycle, and I don't have a lot of wheels nor track time. It seemed like an expediant way to me, but it was explained that the cycling Tire Rack uses really doesn't duplicate a proper heat cycle....

So, next year is a question....I hear the Manchester guys are good, and mount for free....

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]