Originally posted by ITSRX7:
To add on to the x2 idea:
Edit: Upon further thought, while 1/2 to the tech people would be nice, it may cause a situation where there was a actual or perceived conflict of interest. Give it all to the protestor.

There's the ticket! I'm not going to spend my yearly budget to prove a cheater. 'Course I'm never in the results (nor tech knowledge) vacinity to tread on this protesting ground, but from the outside that seems to even things out a bit, and give a valid incentive for cleaning things up.

From this and other threads, seems everyone knows who the blatant cheaters are already anyway. So in my mind, I'd always be up a position in my own mind or with my buddies; which is where the recognition lies anyway.

Don't get me wrong, I'd like a perfect world too, and I'm competitive enough to want a fair playing field, and it does get me frustrated to know that I comply and others don't, but it's just not a big enough chunk of my world

Let's see, HANS device or ....protesting, on-track racing or protesting the one race that I could attend....

So hats off to the people that "do the right thing for the right things sake" at their own expense. They are few and far between, like heroes in other walks of life. We shouldn't need to demand that level of sacrifice to keep a "hobby" fun and clean.

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