- Purchased cars that were told they were legal then later found to be illegal.

This is a tough one, primarily for a person new to the sport. What is the first thing we tell people when they express interest in acquiring a racecar? Buy one that someone else has built! Interesting when you think about illegalities here isn’t it? If for example I bought a car and the person bored out the throttle body, different cam, or whatever, the likelihood of knowing this is pretty slim. Now granted the person buy the car should try to get other experienced people’s opinion on the car if possible. As the person gains experience and move up the pack, they should take a closer look at their car. Is it really fair to humiliate or severely punish this person?

On the other hand, I know of situations where people have bought cars from other people and used the “I didn’t put any illegal parts on the car and the person who I bought it from said it is legal” excuse.

- Situations where a person is found to have done something illegal on their car that does NOT improve its performance.

For the majority of racers who are trying to be legal, there may be instances when they have something illegal about their car but simply did not realize it. Things that are silly and will not have any impact on its performance. If brought to that person’s attention, they should fix it. But the first time it is mentioned to them they shouldn’t have to wear the A on their chest.

- Humiliation…
I do think humiliation can go a long ways to punish and deter cheating. I look back to when I was in high school and they published people’s names that got caught for speeding and drunk driving in the news paper (not the little town paper, but one that a significant amount of people subscribe to in CT). I also remember the students always saying how embarrassing it would be to have your name there. I believe this is still being done now.

Like I said in the other thread, publish the list of cheaters in FasTrack’s “Hall of Shame”. Include the car, driver and owner’s name, region, what they got caught for, ect. Then maybe have a list of people that previously appeared in the list categorized by degree they cheated. Could be categorized by the amount of points they received on their license. When doing this, do not include people that were guilty of “minor” infractions.

Dave Gran
'87 Honda Prelude