Required reading? Just curious, what about that article could be helpful for new prospective SCCA racers? Funny yes. Certainly would be interesting to hear more stories.

Darn parking brake and people waiving at me because I'm cool while towing a race car!

I am totally with Diane on this. You can race at a reasonable budget. Was his budget reasonable? Of course not. Was any part of that article reasonable. No. Buy a car and don't have a place to put it?

The $1,000 car itself and trailer may not have been such a bad deal, it just wasn't handled right. It is hard tell by reading this what really may have been wrong with the car. Springs worn out? Yeah. Probably high spring rates that when he pushed the car up and down it didn't respons like a street car.

Sell the trailer after fixing the lights. A complete new lighting set is very cheap. Just did it with my tow dolly. Yes, tow dolly not trailer. Even if he didn't want the trailer, sell it to someone to use as a utility trailer. Even get $200 for it.

Say the engine was garbage. Which again, who knows. Again, based on the article it may have even been something very simple. But just say it was trashed. Get a junk yard engine and run it stock.

It would be much more productive to hear stories like what Diane alluded to.

Dave Gran
'87 Honda Prelude