
We just have a fundamental difference of opinion on what is best for the SCCA as a whole. The ITA RX-7 is a popular car that is cheap to find, build and maintain. It is a GOOD CAR TO RACE - and there are plenty of them to be had.

The majority or SCCA members would tell you that when a large pocket of racers has to go off and create their own SPEC class, the SCCA has failed them. IT7, Spec RX-7, etc. I CAN NOT stress any more that the goal would be to put them in a position to be competitive, NOT TO DOMINATE. The SCCA would not be protecting anyones interest or any black-helicopter crap like that either.

Taking unpopular, hard to find and underdeveloped cars and moving them does not serve the interest of the club as a whole, it creates potential problems because there is limited data to make an educated decision. Looking at a fundamental re-org of the classes may, but there isn't much of an outcry for that right now - although the ITAC is looking at IT in a variety of ways.

Gotta say it again, I find it funny you blasted the ITS members here for complaining about the E36 BMW but when ITB gets a little heat, you are very protective. You can't have it both ways.

I am up for the critisism - keep the debate coming. Two reasonable people CAN disagree! Let's hash it out over some beers in April at NHIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, BTW - lets also understand that IMHO the 7 would have to GAIN weight AND lose an inch of rim width to fit PROPERLY...


Andy Bettencourt
06 ITS RX-7
FlatOut Motorsports
New England Region #188967