The reason I am going with an enclosed right off the bat is mainly for my wife. She is going to be at the track with me and if she's not happy I'm not happy. Do you think I care about the tv, laptop(with online access), stereo, or a shelter when it rains. Well maybe the shelter. I am going to be wrenching or whatever. I choose to go with the enclosed after reading posts on this board and others, on how much better they felt the enclosed was over the open. The negatives being more of a pain in the ass to pull. That is why I posted this question. If an 04 durango with the hemi, load leveling hitch, nice tires, and air shocks wont pull a 20' enclosed featherlight safely. Then it's back to the drawing board. I want to do this right the first time. Buy an open then sell it down the road you lose money to upgrade to an enclosed when you could have just went to the enclosed in the first place. Why did you buy an enclosed? At 27 I have only done shifter carts and love them just too dangerous. I know I am going to love full size wheel to wheel racing. That's why I'm going full out. These questions may sound like the cart before the horse coming from a newbie but when I show up for my very first event I want to be prepared just as much as the 30 year SCCA vet. I don't like doing things half ass. What else do you want me to post about? If you check the NER forum down the bottom I posted questions about rating the NER tracks from best to worst so it can help me decide what tracks I can go to. Now I can make informed decision. Info right from SCCA vets. It's 30 below zero up here in the NER at least last week it was I couldn't work on the car if I wanted to, that's why I posted these questions so I could get the info on the other half of racing "towing". Time to prioritize. Dude you don't know me. I just dropped 3 gees on a skip barber 3 day race school. Will be at LRP in April. That is why I posted the question last week on places to stay at LRP. I Could have just attended the NHIS double SCCA school to get my lic. but I wanted to do this right the first time. 3K gone in three days kinda alot of dough for someone who doesn't know if he will like racing.

Sorry about my rant. If someone know's how much a featherlight 20' weights please post.
