okay well once again kick arse advise from all.. Thanks

well on the good side I have secured 2 honda technicians who well one was easily bribed for beer and the other is literally alive because I saved him... BTW I am a paramedic and this guy was in one of the worst accidents I have ever seen.. so when I talked to him today he jumped all over it for me.. so a good start is away.. and a hell of a long way to go...
I look forward to kicking the fenders and doors in frustration I am warped I guess. and as far as finances go well they are tight but I think I can swing it..
I live in Lima Ohio and will be willing to do some in state or close out of state driving to help with or check out some of you guys work.. and or crew during races
also while I am in the question asking arena what is the best cost vs. weight/strength to use for the cage I have it lined up to be put in next month. just need to decide which avenue of tubing to go with