>DOT Tires, no tube frame cars, run what you brung? How close am I?

Pretty close.

>...a displacement limit of 3L?

All divisions are free to make their own ITE rules. RMDiv has no such displacement limit.

>...bars that extend into the engine compartment?

I think that those bars would push you into SPU. I don't have a GCR handy, but I believe that the "meet the general regulations of Sections 17 and 18" clause of the (brief) RMDiv ITE rules would not allow them. I'm sure the guys at Pikes Peak Motorsports down in Colo. Springs could give you an answer. They built the supercharged NSX I mentioned earlier.

>Are ITE grids full?

The only grid that is full in RMDiv is SM.

>what other tracks are within 200 miles of Denver?

Pikes Peak International, in Colorado Springs and La Junta Raceway, in La Junta (SE of Pueblo)(BTW, this is Jerry's favorite track).

On the subject of Second Creek, I saw on the RMDiv website yesterday that SC is open for testing from after Christmas until the New Year, for free! It's kind of a long drive from Albuquerque, but I thought I'd pass it along.
