has taken the thunderstorms out for sat/sun and is now saying p-cloudy. There is still hope.

The could have put us in group three with ITE and the other big thumpers I guess. On the other hand there goes my chances of getting an earlier start on the road home.

I am still not sure if the manager ever figured out what the tires were going to be used for. He may not ever be aware of what Club Racing is and AutoX is all the SCCA is about.

Having lived in the Amarilo area for 4 years, I do not miss the monster storms. Now that I am down in the 60-100 foot tall pines the wind and blowing debris does get slowed down a little before it hits. BUT, not being able to see from one end of the earth to the other does allow the storms to sneak up on you.

I may not be able to get back on the computer befor hitting the road so just in case, See you tomorrow evening or bright and early Saturday morning.