Doug and I had a great time at Mid-Ohio thanks to the guys we have met on this site -Paul, Chris, Marty. I had raced there a few times '99-'01 in other cars but was much faster in my "new" SpeedSource RX-7. I was thrilled to be w/i a sec. of the winner (some guy in an orange RX-7) Sat. but on Sun. he was a sec. faster and I was a sec. slower. Chris really had it dialed in. I wish I had been on better tires - but isn't that what we all say after about 3 sessions on Hoosiers? My resonator (a second Borla muffler in the cat position)blew out in qualifying Sun. and think I lost a little low end; per the Pi I was actually 2 mph faster on the straight. Doug had never raced at M-O but after we attended The Runoffs last year he really wanted to. We were both pleased to get out of there w/ minimal damage - Doug none but I have a dent in the left rear courtesy of a certain red 280Z w/ silver graphics that came w/o an apology. The drive home was thankfully uneventful: we pulled out at 2 p.m. local time and were in the Memphis city limits around 11 Memphis time. I'll get the photos edited and e-mail them to you. Why don't you guys come to St. Louis 8/6-7?

Bill Denton
87/89 ITS RX-7
02 Audi TT225QC
95 Tahoe