Even though I raced a Spec Miata (yeah I know) I still had a good time racing in group 5 on Sunday morning. I stay on this board becuse of all the friends I have that race IT. Chris Ludwig's RX-7 suspension came from me and I have spent a lot of time working on IT cars. Bottom line from my deal is that I appreciate everyone's efforts after my son Jared had his incident in the FV. I was standing in tech when they said a car had gone off. When they started calling for extrication equipment I decided I better see where my son was. A broken spindle caused him to go off track. Big let down after winning Saturday. Needless to say, spending Sunday at Indianapolis Methodist was not how we wanted to spend the day but everything worked out OK. Thanks to the corner workers, officials, rescue workers and other racers that voiced their concern. We will be at Gratton on Memorial Day weekend.

Win Smith