Yes, we sent extra money in with our race sanction request to make sure our order for sunny, warm weather would be granted My rookie suggestions (I've worked may races and lapped, but never raced...yet): Yes, careful coming out of T15 until you are used to it. If there is any moisture (be it from the sky or another car), be very, very careful. Drag race track prep does not like moisture. Period. T1 can be taken pretty fast. I watched a lot of "One Lappers" braking WAY to early into T1 last Saturday. Work up to speed there. T2 is bumpy. Just deal with it. Going wide between T8 and T9 is not always the fast way around. Entry into T15 (concrete canyon) is, uh, interesting. I always keep in mind that it's better to take the escape road to the right of the wall than plowing straight in. There's a new video out on one of the One Lapper competitor web sites ( showing an STi plowing into the T15 tire wall when he went to deep and turned too late.

[This message has been edited by Racerlinn (edited May 03, 2005).]