IRP "repaving"

C. Ludwig

New member
Just got back from the Rotary Revolution at IRP. It was a weekend long event for all things rotary with an open lapping event today. I got to experience first hand the highly anticipated repaving of the road course.

I had anticipated the chuck holes at a couple of the apexs being filled and some of the larger bumps smoothed out. Think I had also heard new curbing was part of the deal. In short I was HIGHLY disappointed in what I saw. The repaving consisted of turn 1 only. That's it. They reworked the curbing that was already in turn 1 and it's still just like it's always been which is to say tank trap sized rumble strips. The best part is that the new asphalt felt very slick. Granted the ambient temp was around 40* and there wasn't a ton of grip anywhere. But the new pavement was definetly less grippy than the rest. The rest of the track was absolutely untouched.

I love the lay out of that track. Love driving it. I can deal with the close walls and the dragstrip abnormalities. But damn! This place would be a hell of a nice track if someone took care of it. Jim Downing was there doing demo laps with his old Kudzu 4-rotor and I felt sorry for him as it was clearly beating him to death.

Disappointed in Louisville...

Chris Ludwig
08 ITS RX7 CenDiv

[This message has been edited by C. Ludwig (edited April 24, 2005).]
Well, I only got two sessions before I ran out of tire, but I too am disappointed in the "repaving" project. At the least they could have done something in the parking lot section between 6-8. I also noticed a lot of gravel being brought onto the track at 6 and 15. There is still a huge rut at the apex of 4 and from the track out of 1 thru 3 is still washboard rough.

There was one person who did not heed the warning of getting on the drag strip in the wet and accordianed his street M3.

And there was someone who ran out of gas.....

See y'all in two weeks (my best impression of a country accent).

Paul D'Angelo
Indy Region
Don't worry, the holes at the apexes WILL BE FIXED by the May 7-8 weekend. The paving and imporvements project had to be broken up due to time constraints. It's still part of the overall improvement plans agreed upon between IRP and SCCA. Time contraints kept it from getting done before this Rotary weekend. As for the new paving being slippery, it was pretty cold this weekend and you guys were the very first to run on it, so I'm sure it was dusty. Give it some time. With the test day on Friday before the race weekend, I'm sure it will get worn in.

Steve Linn
'92 ITA Sentra SE-R
Wow, this sort of scares me. I thought the improvements were more than just patching. I'm still coming but, wow. I'm just a little concerned.

Hey Steve, btw, nice video on's website. I will personally come up and introduce myself. As we are both newly ordained Novices, we should have some fun that weekend.

The paving was never going to be more than just Turn 1. In fact, they actually paved MORE than we expected them to. Yes, once you are past T1, it's still the same washboard into turn 2. Nature of the beast. As I said, the other pot hole patches will be in place by race weekend. We all would like to have more, but the track owners (a certain major drag racing sanctioning body) just won't put cash in the track. We (Indy SCCA) are doing everything we can.

Jeremy, look forward to meeting you as well as everyone else (except PaulyDee of course! Just kiddin
) I'll be the one running around with my head cut off trying to solve event problems while making sure I don't forget screw the nut behind the wheel down tight...

[This message has been edited by Racerlinn (edited April 25, 2005).]
Hmmm, that is kind of disapointing. I was under the impression that they were repaving pretty much the entire first half of the track. Oh well, I thought it was a fun track before so any improvement is still welcome. It would be great though if they get those additional patches in and the new pavement gets a good working in by the time we get there.

See you in a couple weeks!

Ruck Racing
'92 ITA Acura Integra RS
'92 ITC Honda Civic CX
'85 ITC Honda Civic S
'95 ITS Honda Prelude Si

[This message has been edited by R2 Racing (edited April 26, 2005).]