October 11-12 race at Blackhawk


New member
Chicago Region wishes to apologize to our competitors for the delay in getting out the entry form for the Tro Manufacturing Championship Fall Sprints.

As a result of the delay, we are waiving the late fee for all entries received by the registrar by Thursday night Oct 9. The late fee will only apply to entries received at the track.

The entry forms are now out and you should have received them by now (got mine yesterday). If not, they are available at http://www.scca-chicago.com.

If you have any questions, please let me know.


PS Don't forget this is event is a double points event in the Tro Manufacturing Presents the Area 5 Championship series.

Thanks for the post. I had a question regarding the entry fee as it is shown as $210 in one place on the Supp Regs and $200 on another. I e-mailed the registrar about it last week and still haven't heard back. Can you shine some light on it?

Planet 6 Racing
bill (at) planet6racing (dot) com
Bill, the event sheet that I filled out said $200. The other two sheet supps said $210. Ya know how much my check was for.

The customer is always correct.


Until they stick you with a late fee since your entry isn't accepted w/o the full payment with it. (Chicago region is almost broke y'know.) Good luck next weekend, bring your ice scraper for those morning sessions !!!!

[This message has been edited by Drew Aldred (edited October 01, 2003).]

No problem at all, sorry I didn't get a chance to see you that much. Too busy watching pops blow his up !!

Greg, are you working or racing that weekend ?? I had put mine up for the season, but may be enticed to go for one more.........
I'm racing!

Come on out and lets have some fun!

I want to race for a couple of reasons:

1) I want to see how much the car (and I) have improved since the May Nationals. This includes improvements due to stiffer rear springs obtained at the Runoffs, and a different header. I also discovered I am still running way to much negative camber for slicks, even with my camber plates backed out all the way. If I can correct that problem, I should get a little more front end grip.

2) I want to establish a baseline for comparison for next year. Lots of homework to do over the winter.

3) I really like racing at Blackhawk in October. The leaves are in full color, the air has that crisp Fall nip in the air. Its just a good reason to go out and have fun.

[This message has been edited by Greg Gauper (edited October 01, 2003).]
Please allow me to clarify. As you may have guessed, almost everything that could go wrong with the entry form did.

Its a single regional, worth double points in the area 5 championship series. Note its also a little longer races than most regionals (22 laps).

Entry fee is $200 ($210 for SRF). Late fee is waived as long as the registrar gets your entry by next Thursday night.

If you paid more than you should have for the entry (yes, some have done it) you will be getting a refund.

And again, our apologies.


PS I take responsibility for the supps issues, but I take no responsibility for needing to bring snow tires and ice scrapers. Greg is the one who likes that "crisp Fall nip".....
Drew, we could padock together & I will offer support to your deal. My race group is 6 therefore I will arrive Sat a.m. Most likely I will travel home Sat night so that I may sleep with heat.(I will spend more on fuel but these bones need that.)

I don't drink beer/or untill the weekend is over & I know that breaks with Production tradition.

On the other hand you have a bride & a short person & I bet after your long regular season they would enjoy some of your time.

Have Fun

Originally posted by kevinc:
Greg is the one who likes that "crisp Fall nip".....

Yes, but I don't like shoveling it

Kevin, I applaud Chicago Region for admitting they made a mistake and dealing with it in such a responsible manner.

Thanks for the reply, Kevin. I was beginning to wonder if Chicago even existed anymore! Looks like I'll just put the extra $10 I already paid toward the over-crew I'll have...

I've already started packing for the race. The car seems ready, the driver is going to try for the podium, and I'm just hoping the leaves aren't dropping yet. I'm just trying to figure out what to do for heat for the crew when we're not running! I can't wait to see everyone at the track!

Planet 6 Racing
bill (at) planet6racing (dot) com
***I'm just trying to figure out what to do for heat for the crew when we're not running!***

Bill, let them in the motorcoach to warm up.

he he heeee

Well me, the lady, the John, the John wife, the family, the friends and some other people I don't know are all making it. If the ice is ready we have a fine hockey team for a quick lunch time grudge match if anyone is game. Does the swamp have any real water in it?

So I'll be there to try and tackle the curse of blawkhawk. So far 2 entries, no races. Third time is a charm... right? RIGHT!?

And excuse me Bill, I think you're standing on my podium spot. YEAH BABY!

- Ben.
I didn't know there was a podium spot for dead last!!!

Is it Friday yet? Can I leave for the track now?

Planet 6 Racing
bill (at) planet6racing (dot) com
Originally posted by planet6racing:
I didn't know there was a podium spot for dead last!!!

Is it Friday yet? Can I leave for the track now?

Sure Bill, go ahead and leave!
We're really hopin to find out if there is a last podium spot, if so, be sure to stop by the top and tell Ben!
Now now... any podium spot would be cool. Heck, a finish at this cursed track would be cool! And with Bill's height and my lack of it, no matter where I stand on a podium he'll be heigher.