IT-7 at Brat Bash, MidOhio, Aug 2 and 3

Rich, share the wealth & let Mr Albright win.

The supps for the Brat Bash did not have a race class for Spec-7 which is a CenDiv class. (Yup, I know I am the lone ranger but $260 is $260 to a Region. Told Marilyn I didn't give a rats a$$ about a trophy but would like to be classed so that if by chance I went fast enough a record would be recognized.) Called the Race Chair George Russell, Marilyn Russell the Chief Registrar picked up the phone & we talked. She was going to talk to the Chief Steward Larry Dent & someone would get back to me. Have not heard a thing.
Will call again Monday evening. Ya got any connections ?


Spec-7 # 14
Wauwatosa WI

I would suggest calling Larry Dent directly. From my experience, he's a super-nice guy, and is receptive to reasoned discussion.

He still enjoys the p.a. mic too much, though! ;-)

(See y'all this weekend!)

Damn...can't make it again. Maybe I'll be there in September. Miss ya.

Dave Dewhurst - Since a SpecRX7 is just a slow IT7 - just race with that class
Hey probably don't know me. I'm an ITA (IT7) RX-7 driver from the NE. Seems nobody here gives a hoot about the IT7 concept, and any suggestion of it has been shot down with derisive comments. is the class working out?? What kind of turnouts are you seeing? Do you run with ITA? What are the lap times like vis a vis ITA? Who are the hot IT7 guys and what devlopement stage are they at? What cars are you all competitive with?? Just wondering...

Thanks for any and all comments...

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]

I am going to guess that Spec Miata already took off in NEDiv, and there was already a Spec 7 class, so there wasn't much interest.

Our goals were to increase participation by active ITA RX7 people which we have done some, and get some old cars out of garages and back on track. We are not where we need to be yet as participation is still somewhat geographically focused. Plus, the economy hasn't helped anybody's racing budget,, and Spec Miata seems to be really taking off which I am sure is taking some drivers from IT7.

Still, it has helped foster camraderie and interest, so we'll see.

If you can make it to Mid Ohio sometime, look us all up. We typically have at least 14 IT7's.

Thanks for the reply, Rich.

!4 cars is not bad! The most ITA RX-7s I've seen here is 10, and the least! I can surely beat myself!

As far as I know, I haven't seen a Spec7 class at any NE track I've driven, which would be Pococno, WGI, LRP, and NHIS. But you are right that Spec Miata has taken off. I was tempted myself, we'll wait and see on the PCA thing and see how it shakes out.

SO, what kind of spread do you see laptime -wise over the 14 RX-7s? And how far up the ITA grid do the front runners get?

I would love to drive Mid Ohio, and Elkhart Lake. Maybe next year, if the schedule works out where there are back to back events at those tracks, I might make the drive. I am considering the ARRC this year, but want to get an idea of how far out of touch I'll be with the front runners!

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]
Jake, the IT7 crowd at Mid Ohio is GREAT. & others likewise. Fun bunch & easy on newcomers once we arive. I raced at Mid Ohio last year at the Brat Bash for the first time. Several IT7 guy asked me how I liked the course after my first laps & I said: I need to do another run & then I'll tell ya. A couple three blind jumps over some elevation where ya better have it pointed before ya see where your going. Its a fun great track with great racers.

I was going to go back this weekend except those that run the Fort Wayne Region didn't see fit for the Spec-7 class to be grouped.
Therefor they can take their lack of CUSTOMER/VENDOR attitude relationship &...........enough said.

Instead I will run the double at Road America the 16th & 17th of Aug. Atvantages are no 10 hour tow, sleep at home in bed & enjoy some people the same as I would have at Mid Ohio. & by the way if I want $hit from some Regional wheeler dealers I can get that daily from the folks that run the Milwaukee Region. I don't need to phone long distance to Fort Wayne for that.

Have Fun

We will be there with two ITC Civic's. I will be driving the '92 Civic (finally with new and improved horsepower!) and my Dad will be in the '85 Civic. I Can't wait to get back out on Mid Ohio since I missed the Cincy Freedom.

See you all there!

R2 Racing
'92 ITC Honda Civic CX
'85 ITC Honda Civic S
'95 ITS Honda Prelude Si
"I was going to go back this weekend except those that run the Fort Wayne Region didn't see fit for the Spec-7 class to be grouped.
Therefor they can take their lack of CUSTOMER/VENDOR attitude relationship &...........enough said."

Given that there's usually only 1 or 2 cars in Spec 7, I could see an honest mistake being made (or even someone confusing it with IT7 as it's listed). Three of four regions couldn't be troubled with using CenDiv reserved IT numbers either in yrs past, but I can hardly see either being a deal breaker to me.

Did you call the Chief Steward, or leave it with the Registrar?


[This message has been edited by JDEllis (edited July 30, 2003).]
JD, I did talk to the Chief Steward & I will not be disrespectful towards him. He was reasonable & good to talk with. It's the Race Chair that has all the excusses in the world why the SRX7 can't run. It's people like the Race Chair that seem to think that everbody is at the track because of those that run the events. I suggested that just maybe everybody was there because of the race cars.

& don't think I have not locked horns with the Milwaukee Region (my Region) about not classing the SRX7 at the Cat National Restricted Regional which was last weekend. The Region gave, I ran as SRX7, had a ball & enjoyed ALL the people.

Have Fun this weekend


ps: Stop by & see my race pal Erik Skirmants 07 Spec Miata

[This message has been edited by ddewhurst (edited August 01, 2003).]

FWIW after the fact, the one, solitary SRX-7 entry that routinely shows ran badged as an IT7 this weekend.

JD, was the car badged as an IT7 that is normally a SRX7 a mature gentelman by the name of Jim? If it was Jim the guy just likes to race & last year I placed one of my non earned trophys in his race car seat while he was not around. He had stated earlier in the weekend that it would be fun to have something to have fun with his buddies.

Hope you all had a great weekend.


That's the one! :-) He was paddocked over the hill from us, and appeared to be trying to keep his neighbor/competitor Jason in line, although I'd tend to think opposite might be true!

Otherwise, it appeared to be a good weekend apart from a one-hour delay Saturday for nearby lightning. All the IT groups had good races as far as I know. ITS was a crapshoot yesterday, as we started on a drying track both sessions. I watched yesterday's ITA/IT7 group, and it looked like most of the 7's were separated from each other with Jason out front and Rich and the Tri-Link car a few cars back having a good dice in amongst some SM's.


P.S. Rich Grunenwald, drop me an email too ([email protected]) I think I've got a couple good shots of you from this weekend.

[This message has been edited by JDEllis (edited August 04, 2003).]
JD, if Jason & Jim (his car is actually a Southeast ITA/IT7 car) were paddocked near each other & if Jason's brother "Bud Boy" was around it would take Jim & Jason both to keep "Bud Boy" in line. From my observations Jim can drink more "Bud" & starts earlier in the a.m. than "Bud Boy".

Have Fun

JD, Any chance you took a picture of my #87 IT7? Especially late in the race on saturday when part of my quarterpanel was flapping in the breeze?
Originally posted by rlekun:
JD, Any chance you took a picture of my #87 IT7? Especially late in the race on saturday when part of my quarterpanel was flapping in the breeze?

Nothing from Saturday since you guys ran directly after us. :-(

Were you the black car that did a snap spin in T2 late in Sat's race? I heard the tires protesting greatly, looked over from our paddock spot, and saw the spins. Was it mechanical?

I'll try to keep a mental note for the OVR double so I can snap some pics of you.

Actually, I just peered through my folder of pics from the Cincy double, and I have one shot of your car in T7 that I didn't upload. Email me, and I'll send you the original file.


J.D. Ellis
OVR #71 ITS Olds Calais
[email protected]

[This message has been edited by JDEllis (edited August 07, 2003).]
Originally posted by JDEllis:
Were you the black car that did a snap spin in T2 late in Sat's race? I heard the tires protesting greatly, looked over from our paddock spot, and saw the spins. Was it mechanical?

Yup, that was me. That happened two laps after the impact incident that turned my quarterpanel into a windsock. The spin was caused when my line to the oil pressure gauge sheared off (see thread in Tech section) dumping oil underneath the tires. Its a real interesting feeling when you're heading into "turn" 2 at M-O with the right foot still on the floor and suddenly without warning the back end snaps around on you. I managed to not stall the engine and actually ended up pointing the right direction. But then I saw the oil gauge at 0# and my new warning light illuminated so I shut the engine down after I rejoined the pavement on the backstretch. In hindsight, I saved the whole race group a huge mess at the keyhole...I couldn't see behind me toward turn one to tell whether it was really safe to reenter the track before the keyhole (much to the chagrin of the corner workers who were waving me to get back on the track) So I circled the keyhole corner station staying on the grass which kept a couple of quarts of oil off of the keyhole!!!
When I got coasted to the end of the back straight (engine off at this point) with the intent of pulling off the track and behind the wall at the next corner station, the rear end snapped around again....while the engine was shut off!

Fortunately the oil must have protected my brand new set of Hoosiers, as they had only a minor flat spot. Plugged the oil line block and raced the next day!

Car is at MAACO as of yesterday. Where the real damage takes place to my wallet!