My quick thoughts, asked by a few of my customers:

-That is not 3 sec faster than another car. I think the RX-7s did 2:13.8 recently?
-Those engines are a huge pain, especially the teardown that was requested which would have been the full bottom end. I don't know what the bond was but the book hours would have put it easily in the thousandS.
-No one, not a BMW master tech even, would put back together my race motor. There is a cost to put it back together and whether it is in money paid or money lost by lost opportunity cost, there is cost involved.
-You get the money back if you are right. Right?
-How about a teardown at the ARRC? It is free to see and I doubt Chet will be getting slower for that weekend.

BMW opponents - lobby for a restrictor plate for the BMW. Maybe they are a little too fast right now, but a lot of weight to even them out makes stuff break and kills tires way too fast.

James Clay
Engineered BMW Performance
2003 ITS ARRC Champions
(540) 639-9648