"It's obvious that there will be local opposition. As with this website, the negative may be loud but may be the minority."

My concern is not that opposition exists at all. Of course it will. Its that the opposition has painted an extemely different picture of the current financial viability of this project than what the principals have put out there. CMI has chosen not to respond to those questions about the actual numbers, either here, where they've been active in the past, or in the local community press. As someone who belongs to club that has received both internal and external pressure to commit to dates, the viability of the place concerns me. It's not a couple of grand in depostis that I'm worried about. (although not somethign the nonprofits should be risking) If NER, NNJ or other local clubs commit to CMI at the expense of losing choice dates in '05 or '06 at NHIS or LRP, then we all lose if they don't get the thing built. These questions about the finances are valid and fair game, yet they remain unanswered.

"It's all about the permits."

It's all about the Benjamins, baby! I could get a permit to build a nuclear reactor next to a day care center if my lawyer was bigger, nastier, and better funded than the next guy.

"If they get them, the representation of the people have spoken on their behalf."

Well, there's obviously been some attemtps to circumvent the will of the people here by the battle of the recusals of elected officials. Demanding the removal of elected officials who may oppose your viewpoint is a time-honored tactic.

My point from the beginning was simply to toss out two things to the forum: 1) there's more noise about this thing than those of use that don't live there knew about, and 2) there are open, still unanswered questions about the fiscal health of this project.