Neon people should start a spec neon class like the miata people...

Stop implying that you care about everyone and admit you only care about the neon... Then rewrite your letter.

I can't stand when people say that they are speeking for everyone in IT land, when they are only concerned about 1 friggen car. My view is that their are several cars classed wrong, they were classed wrong from the begining so you have no reason to bitch.

Those that "were" top dogs and are no longer (for example the once compedetive 1973 ITA Ford Capri that sits in our basement) well it is time you realized (like we have) that times have changed, the classes are always going to get faster, either be happy for your past sucess and move on to a new car or if you are looking at buying one of these older cars realize it isn't friggen compedetive or if it is it won't be for long. (unless it is a Volvo)

So many of the "has beens" bitch because times are changing. Address the real issue that their are not enough classes for all the cars people want to race compedetively. Do be so "into" yourself.

Raymond Blethen

This is not necessaraly the view of anyone else in RST Performance Racing. Just my outbreak of an opinion.