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Thread: Reserved paddock @ LRP

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Grove City, OH, USA


    OK, I have to reply to this thread. I went to my first race at LRP back in '66. And it was a real step up from the Bridge. Went back for a Vintage race in 2001, and guess what, the rest rooms were still the same trench at the bottom of the wall!

    But I really wanted to tell you a story about renting space, paddock or garage. My home track now is Mid-Ohio. If you watch any of the pro races televised from MO, you know they have garages, which they used to rent on SCCA weekends. I say used to because since the recession, fewer teams could afford the extra bucks. So, what did the track do? They increased the track rental to the clubs and said that the club could rent the garages and collect the money (and of course, absorb the loss if they did not rent them all!).

    So, a middle of the road solution would be moderate improvements, clearer sups, and better inforcement, IMHO.

    PS, at the vintage event, I ran into a gentleman who lived in New York City, a few blocks from me, who I rode up to LRP with on my first trip. (Ever do 100 up the Taconic in a Renault R8 with a full cage?)

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    NH, US


    I haven't been on this for a while but I wanted to share my opinions as well. I think that most will not pay for parking. However if we did so some type of reserved parking where the money got directly refunded equally to each car entry that didn't reserve spots then I am all for it. Keep the entries the same since I'm sure limerock has our entries up somewhat for future improvments and some type of fund. If not and they are just using our entries to pay for past debt then we need to think seriously about the managment team and if that track will be open in a few years. This way those with the money can basically get what they want and those of us that don't have money will get what we want... Money1 even if in the end all I get is 2 bucks then I'm all for it. I wouldn't mind giving someone a great spot for a decent spot if they bought me a coffee in the AM!

    Also not to pick on Spiro13 but I had a few descrepencies. I hope you don't mind my opinion I tried to give you my reasons if I disagreed.
    Originally posted by Spiro13:

    1)Only one space per race car.
    Yup 2 car widths wide to fit rig/trailer and your car next to it. Unless the space is deep enough to put the car behind it.

    2)Only one support vehicle per car allowed in the Paddock. I have seen three and four cars for one race car.
    As long as you are including the trialer open or not.

    3)Put the car number on the Paddock pass. When one pass is isuued at registration for a car, don't issue any more to that car.
    Not neccassary if they just checked for passes. Everyone only gets one per car as it is.

    4)No motor homes parked arond the perimeter near the fences. They have to be parked sideways and take up several spaces.
    most don't but if they do we should all say something to them! unless of course they have several cars. like motion dynamics.

    5)No blocking off spaces for cars that are arriving latter or the next day.
    This is your only terrible idea. This sport is for fun and we should be allowed to hang out with our friends. Several people also share tools. and some like myself have family members that are coming later. traditionally I can get to the track at least a day before my brother and father.

    6)Make these part of the sups and actually enforce them.
    We probably need to find a volenteer for this. I know that I wouldn't becasue it will be tough to make any friends.


  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    West Milford, NJ, USA


    Coming from a tiny track, with an even smaller paddock, let me share an approach from Waterford Hills, which seemed to work:

    We used a 'nominal' fee ($75, which went to the club, not the track) for assigned ANNUAL paddock spots, and limited the number of assigned spots; key thing, we had a 'general admission area, but it is called 'swamp' - you make the logical leap of faith. The key aspect: we marked the pavement specifically at widths - each person had a paddock number, and the spot was 20x18, for tow vehicle (trailer OR tow, not both!) and race car - NO EXCEPTION. That is enough room to paddock! The key thing I noticed this past year at Lime Rock was poor usage of space, total lack of policing excess vehicles, and not really a lack of good, quality paddock. Drainage will always be an issue when you look for a large FLAT region separated with pavement. Sorry!

    Dave Youngren
    NER ITA RX7 #61



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