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Thread: AWD in IT?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Meriden, CT

    Default AWD in IT?

    Hello, I am an inspiring road racer, who currently drives an Impreza at local track days and time trials. I have seen that AWD is going to be legal in IT and SS starting next year. I would like to know if NER will be allowing these cars to race. My car is close to stock now, but I would like to make mods based along IT rules, so I could later use the car in road racing events.

    Pg. 17 Item 8

    Seth E.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Buffalo, New York


    Sorry Seth...Rule 1 in reading the GCR for us on this web site..."Touring" is not IT!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001


    ner runs ITS, A, B & C as per gcr, so whatever the gcr does we will do. It would probably be possible to build this car into an ITE car which is a regional class for cars that run on dot tires and complies with any other series rule book as long as it meets our IT safety standards but you won't find fair racing as you will be lumped in with all kind of weird stuff.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Meriden, CT


    Sorry, I don't understand? Please forgive.

    I wonder if my car could be classified into something other than ITE? On a track like LRP, the car seems to be on par with a car like a neon ACR. Both cars are on street tires, and I have a slight advantage in the corners, but the neon has a bit more on the top end.
    Here are the basics on the car.
    -140hp (93 whp! Got to love the AWD!)
    -2750 fueled/no driver
    -3.90 gears
    -some suspension work to get rid of the understeer
    -Best lap 1.09 at LRP on Falken street tires.

    Just wondering what it would take to get the car into a class where it could be compeditive.

    Seth E.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2001


    Seth, my quick glance at the rules resulted in no reference that specifically prohibits all-wheel-drive cars. However, no AWD cars are currently listed that I can find. Of course, I encourage anyone to read the rules more closely to verify.

    If this is all true, then you'll need to submit a request to the SCCA Comp Board to get your car classified. NER will follow the IT rules as published by the national SCCA office.

    If, however, I am incorrect and AWD is specifically prohibited (or if SCCA chooses to deny your request for classification) then your only alternative within the IT community is to run one of the catch-all classes like SP or ITE.

    Greg, now wondering if an AWD 2.8L V6 Audi A4 would have a rats-chance of being competitive in ITS...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Meriden, CT


    As of now, I have no rule book, but it is on order. How do I get in touch with the comp board to ask if they will let the car in? What kind of information do they need before the car is OK'ed?

    Thanks, and keep the information coming!

    Seth E.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Buffalo, New York


    Seth--You will see that in the November Fastrack, the Subie WRX, Subie WRX STE and the Misu EVO VIII will be eligible for T-1/ T-2 competion.

    Theses are Showroom Stock classes for higher performance cars.

    T-1/ T-2 stands for "TOURING" 1&2; "TOURING" is not "IMPROVED TOURING". Completely different classes, but many times people get confused.

    T-1 and T-2 used to be SSA and SSGT

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    NH, US



    Do you think that a 2 wheel drive (FWD) V6 Audi would have a chance???


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2001


    <font face=\"Verdana, Arial\" size=\"2\">...a 2 wheel drive (FWD) V6 Audi would have a chance???</font>
    I would guess unlikely. Although similar in stock horsepower to the 325 (190hp Audi vs 189hp BMW) and somewhat similar stock weights (3087 v 3352), the Audi would be at a significant disadvantage with front-wheel-drive. Even if given a 200-pound weight break versus the BMW I think one would be hard-pressed to be able to keep the A4 from burning off the front tires in chase.

    The AWD system in the Audi is basically a FWD system with three driveshafts tacked on. I think the F/R split is - at most - 60/40 F/R. I'm confident the A4 would need the AWD just for parity at similar race weights to the BMW. While not a direct comparison, one can review the Stasis AWD A4 to the Turner BMW RWD 325 in the World Challenge series and see there's a certain level of parity, with the A4 weighing quite a bit less.

    Mid- to late-90's V6 A4s are coming on the market real cheap, and I think the A4's suspension design is excellent, possibly on par with the BMW's. Further, there exists reasonable amounts of aftermarket support for the car, but NO WHERE near the development and support for the 325; you will likely be doing most of your own development. It would be a fun project, though.

    If one can get a 150-200 pound weight break over the 325 then I'd be game for building a FWD A4; however, at comparable weights I'd tilt my hat to the AWD version.

    GregA, still thinking over the idea, and wouldn't it be fun to drive at Audi Club HPDE events...? Think anyone would notice if I stuck my S4 drivetrain in there...?



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