Thanks guys....

My haz mat suit is being talored as I type. Give me until Monday befire cussing me out, OK?

THis is an interesting thread, and the question brings up other questions.

I saw a comment about not wanting to go to B. WHy not? The expense of new wheels? The local B crowd is too stron/not strong enough?? Curious...

THe bigger question here is, can the "tweeners" be given allowances suitable that would get them in the front with the CRX, Integra and 240SX? Or is that just not possible. (THink top flight cars here..)

Would you be satisfied with getting closer as opposed to going to B? Or do you advocate slowing down the fast A cars....all 5 or 6 of them?

I'm trying to get a big picture concept here...

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]