Bill, it's interesting.... in person I know you as a nice and engaging guy, but on the net, I have become frustrated with your comments. It always seems as though you have a chip on your shoulder or a cross to bear.

We all know the SCCA isn't perfect, but we all also know that it's a freaken club! I know you volunteer in other organizations, and hold yourself to high standards, and that's great. But what most folks around here see is progress with the ITAC, and the SCCA in general, you see as inadequate. In comparision to as little as two years ago, we see significant direction changes. And while we get frustrated by the glacial nature of the change (And look at the car I drive, if anyone has a right to moan and whine, it's me), we are all generally thrilled that the big ship is changing direction.

If you expect perfection and huge massive overnight changes, it aint gonna happen.

My advice? (Worth less that the electricity needed to convey it, but here it is nonetheless)...chill. Sometimes people write things that appear too strong or whatever. Let it slide once or twice. Be less confrontational. These guys are volunteering their time and trying to help...really, I strongly feel that the biggest ITAC posters here, K, Andy and Darin, are VERY nuetral....and just want to help. Let it go once in awhile....

And ...I guarantee that Darin saw this thread with you commentating and said..."ohhh nooo...not me! I aint TOUCHING that!" LOL...

You DO have excellent points, but they get lost in the spicy sauce, I am afraid..

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]

[This message has been edited by lateapex911 (edited June 21, 2005).]