Yea....fact setting DQ'ed at the ARRCs for a ballast infraction. It was 12 " or so from where it should be. Is that what made it so fast???

Then he sold it and it vanished? Maybe it was sold to a club guy? Maybe it was wrecked testing? Who knows?

A car slower post sale? Like that's never happened? The guy who bought mycar never gor it within two seconds of my time at Lime Rock, and I set that time the 3rd trip to the track...and those who race with me can tell you I'm no Kip VanSteenberg!

So, I'd be careful with what I implied...

On the other hand, Andy...was the entire engine torn down? Or jsut the standard ARRC teardown? if it's the latter, it just proved that the engine didn't have certain work done, but it isn't proof of legality either...

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]