I sure learned to not go out in the rain on dry tires against a honda on wets!!! Future units don't come with the "free win option" Glad the difs are working good for you Adam. My email is [email protected]
Originally posted by Phat-S:
Man, this thing is great! FWIW, Steve and I began this discussion about doing this for my 944S back in like 2002 (think it was around the time they made the 944S legal for ITS) at an awards dinner cause I was THAT impressed by the diff he builds for my ITA car. I have loved it so far and think I'm around 2500 miles so far. I asked the guys at the P-car shop that rebuilt my motor to take it out and flog it per impressions and they all seemed to like it as well.

And if you buy one, Steve will lose to you in your next rain race, he promises

Vaughan, this should not require the measuring and lash and all that on your end I don't think as it uses your ring and pinion - Steve can assuredly better explain than me though.