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Thread: numerous issues

  1. #1

    Default numerous issues

    The following is a letter submitted to the comp. board, BOD as well as Steve Johnson.

    For several months I have noticed a complete lack of effort on part of our comp. board. Time and time again I see their responses in Fastracks to member input only to hide behind the usual excuses.

    For example, "the comp. board does no have time to address this issue and it will have to wait to be included in the 2005 GCR".

    "Car would be too fast if classified down from one class to the other because the rules do not allow weight adjustments."

    "Against the philosophy of said class to allow a certain part."

    C'mon people, wake up and do something. There a many cars classed wrong, there are parts available that you refuse to allow yet there are no performance advantages, and you keep hiding behind the fact of certain rules not allowing adjustments.

    I am writing as a concerned SCCA member to all, that our ENTIRE comp. board needs to step down and I call for their immediate resignation period.

    We need new blood, thought and ideas to take SCCA into the next century.

    With that in mind.... I propose the following.

    1. Reclassification of the Dodge/Plymouth Neon from ITS to ITA. For years you have recieved letter upon letter asking for the right thing to be done.

    THE CAR IS NOT FAST IN ITS. I drive an ITS car and can tell you that a Neon will never be competitive. Change the improved touring rules to emulate the showroom stock/touring rules.

    Throttle restricters and weight penalties are allowed and used for certain vehicles in the showroom stock/touring rules.

    Move the Neon NOW. If Neal Sapp can get a 2001 Prelude classified for SSB in the MIDDLE of the season, there is no reason you cannot make this change immediately!

    2. Allow threaded collar shocks in improved touring and production. As a shop owner who constructs vehicles, I can attest that there is no difference wheather the adjusting collar sits on a perch or is part of the shock body.

    This would allow members to have the chance to choose from additional manufacturers for shocks/struts for their particular car. This would be in the best interests of the club.

    3. Open the showroom stock ecu rules to be exact like the touring/improved touring rules. We all know that some people unfortunately cheat. SCCA has gone on record to say that tech officials cannot police the showroom stock ecu rules effectively. That being the case, allow modifications to the original ecu within its original housing.

    4. Open the brake rotor rules for showroom stock. There is no difference in braking effectiveness from one brand to the next. As long as dimensions are exact, they should be allowed to save members money on purchasing parts.

    5. Decrease the opening of the throttle restrictor of the SSB BMW Z4 an additional 10mm. A comp board member got this car classified under everyone's nose. The car is too fast and has allready won nationals WITH EASE on both sides of the country.

    marc cefalo

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2001


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