<font face=\"Verdana, Arial\" size=\"2\">...when do we start to phase out cars like that?</font>
Here's something to get everyone's panties in a twaddle.

When Improved Touring was formed, in 1983, the idea was to give someplace for the old showroom stock cars to go play before they got moved to Production (I know this, I was there). To facilitate that, nothing older than 1968 was allowed in the category.

Chew on that: 15 years old, maximum.

As time progressed, no one ever thought to adjust that rule, and today - over twenty years after IT's inception - We're trying to pigeon-hole 35-year-old cars into IT instead of moving them to Production as was originally intended.

So, those of you purists insisting that we retain the "original philosophy and purpose" of the class, better be careful what you wish for. Because if we cling to that I must insist we place a 15 year moratorium on car classifications; that means effective immediately, anything older than 1990 is outta here and into Production... GA