Andy, your comment about JC Whitney washer bottles is extremely worrisome. I was under the impression that the rule I think you refer to was intended allow us to use non original equipment manufacture (OEM) sourced items such as brake discs that meet the exact specifications that the (OEM) builds to.

Allowing such a large degree of judgement and discretion is, to me at least, asking for boatloads of trouble.

If we use the windsheild washer bottle as an example, and if I understand you correctly, you are saying that I can go to Target or Auto Zone and pick up a similar bottle to replace my (burned? sorry, Ron...) missing or damaged one. Might not be the exact shape, and might be of a different plastic, and might not attach to the metal bracket, but it's close, so we're good, right? windsheild has a crack...following the same logic, I think I'll head down to the lexan supplier and....

You see the point....where is the line drawn? Sure, nobody cares if the washer bottle is a different material, and that the bracket went in the trash as well. Even when the result is that the assembly, now sans motor that resided in the bottom, and sans bracket, weighs 30% of the original. But a windsheild (or whatever) that weighs 30% of the original is a different animal.

I hope the proposed rule is put out for member comment, and has langueage that precludes wholesale advantages being taken...

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]