Originally posted by gsbaker:
We are seeing more drivers doing this, especially as more "safety" stuff in the cockpit makes it increasingly difficult to exit in a hurry. The enemy is panic, and if one practices enough, bailing becomes second nature and the chance of panic diminishes dramatically.
Amen to that.

That's why the military trains and trains and trains.

That's a lot of the secret of martial arts - do the same thing without thinking or panicing.

When I went sky diving we had a 6 hour ground school that was actually 1 hour of information and 5 hours of repetition.

As you said, you want to be able to do things w/o thinking so that even when your mind say FIRE!, your sub-conscious says "pull fire handle, pull pins, disconnect belts, drop net, open door, and GET THE HELL OUT."

George Roffe
Houston, TX
84 944 ITS car under construction
92 ITS Sentra SE-R occasionally borrowed