Originally posted by Tobey:
...The Club Racing Board would like to clarify that all safety devices (including head and neck restraints), per GCR Section 20.4, shall free the driver from their belts and the car with a single point of release.
Sorry, I missed the "including head and neck restraints" part the first time. That WOULD clearly include your Isaac system.

However, I agree whole-heartedly. That DOES appear to be rule-making, not interpretation. To support that point, imagine trying to protest someone for 20.4 on the basis of their H&N safety system. Would the Chief Steward/Scrutineer INTERPRET 20.4 (as it is currently written and begins "THE SHOULDER HARNESS [my emphasis] shall be the over-the-shoulder type. There shall be a single release...") to include the H&N system?

In addition, would anyone pony up the protest fee HOPING they will? I sure wouldn't!

(EDIT: typo)

Mike Spencer
NC Region
ITA/7 RX-7 (almost)
ITS RX-7 (just started)
1990 RX-7 Convertible (street car)

[This message has been edited by Mike Spencer (edited June 23, 2004).]