Andy, good constructive criticism has been offered; I'm just causin' trouble. 'Cause I can. And 'cause it's fun.

George, the reason you don't understand the flack is because you're from Texas. I *know* how yer readin' it; ah used to speak Texan too, 'member? Yer readin' as "you boys kin change yer wheels *UP* and I'm lettin' yew boys do it ter 14 or 15 inches". T'other boys, tho, are readin' it as any size "UP TO" 15 inches. And in case ya'll be changin' this here rule pert near soon, you best git on wid it 'fore someone goes and gets a Steward to approve it at the first race of ought-5, and then it goes through a court of them thar appeals and becomes what we Yankees up here call common law.

How about a larger picture? How come we're gettin' our jammies wadded up because someone may want to go down in wheel size? Why do we give a rat's patootie if they go smaller instead of bigger? So it ain't whatcha intended, so what? What's the advantage? (Edit for clarification to Texans - what's the performance advantage that cannot be legally obtained another way?)

BTW, ITAC boys, I hope you're not taking this criticism - from me or anyone else - personally. It's not aimed at you, it's aimed at the words. There's a quote I have engraved on a plaque above my desk that has served me well for many years, and most definitely applies here:

"Avoid having your ego so close to your position that when your position falls, your ego goes with it." - Colin Powell

[This message has been edited by GregAmy (edited December 02, 2004).]