You're kidding me, right? Did you guys read the Protest Story?

Checking to make sure the stock internals are in there? Who is going to know? That's not covered in the FSM's as the assembly is what is sold and replaced, not what is inside the box.

While we're at it, let's make Dunlop Sport A2's the spec tire because everything else costs too much. No matter what you do, there is always going to be someone spending more money than you to go faster than you and they probably will. Accept it.

{on edit} My apologies to the thread starter. I'm all for allowing the add on computers. But, this fell into the standard "Open ECU's upset the balance in IT" argument. In the other thread that happened, I asked a question and I'll ask it again: Someone, anyone, prove to me that, by opening the ECU rules, it changed who was running up front.

Planet 6 Racing
bill (at) planet6racing (dot) com

[This message has been edited by planet6racing (edited October 29, 2004).]