Originally posted by JackH55:
First, as you know, I was originaly on the SOM commitee but had to recuse myself because my son was in ITA. I did, however, follow the protest as close as I could. I do know that the Stewards were impressed with your demeanor and professionalism.
As for the Stewards, you could not have had a better Chairman than Terry and the others are all first rate.
Your point about the tools is well taken and Kathy and I talked about it at the Glen this weekend ( congratulations to Ray Lee)
We will be asking the NARRC Regions to pool their resources- so that we can purchase the tools and keep them at LRP. We will do this at the Mini Convention in November.

Folks, Jack Hannifan is a Steward who is very involved in the NE.

Jack, I am impressed that such a response is occuring so quickly, and bouyed by the concept. I hope you will keep us informed as to the progress and the specifics of the program.

Going into the protest, I was impressed with Terry's approach, his reputation for fairness, and I was pleased he was the Chairman.

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]