I think that the botttom line on all this is that the cars that we are running are getting older. And modern automotive design has changed. I have read where people say IT is like Prod was 30 yrs ago. I don't know if that is true or not but do you think that Prod is where it is now becuase the vast majority of the cars are now pretty dang old and faced the same problems that we are facing now? Do you see IT going the same way, The current trend seems to suggest so. It seems logical to me that as our cars age we will see different little things creep in there. The only way around that is to say that a car over "X" yrs can't run IT, (I hate this idea) Or the older cars Like the 510 get special allowances not given to the other cars...like an different cam. I know what that sounds like but step back and look at what is going on in total in IT.