As I've said before, nearly every racing class in the world is "Competition adjusted". Whether by very restricted classing, (SS), initial weight setting, (IT), continual adjustments based on model superiority utilizing several performance parameters (Prod), or continual adjustments based on model/driver superiority (Speed World Challenge), the goal is to equalize competition.

The new weight for the E46 is, of course, no surprise. Heavy? Lot's of folks who have to figure out what to do about the E36 want to know if 150 lbs is the right amount for a PCA. They wonder if it's enough.

The curb weight is what, 3300-3400 and it can't be gotten UP to race weight?? Huh?? With nearly total freedom in cage design, not to metion a gazillion other "tricks", claiming a car can't get to weight with "only" 100 lbs of ballast is stretching things a bit, no?

If they set the weight to 2850, we'd all be shreiking that they learned nothing! They can't win.....

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]