Originally posted by Don:
Ok just reading the different posts, and different points of view
.... I have a question though. So far all the against reasons for the questions have been ... rules creep, lack of street ability, ....
OK, the big reason?? The CB has a s#$tload to do! Have you read FASTRACK??? They are drowning in requests and issues a lot bigger than some IT guys wanting to take their windows out. Sure the rule doesn't make perfect sense today, but as Kirk pointed out, it's a product of a timeline. Rewriting the rulebook would be appropriate, but in the CBs big picture, it is low on the list.

Maybe the heater core, horn and passenger side glass won’t get there totally but it would take 30 minutes or less and wouldn’t cost a whole lot to try.
30 minures to pull all that stuff out and put everything back togather?? I'd like to hire you as my mechanic!

Honestly, think about what you're saying. You want te rules ammended so you can make min weight. You know the guys who are already at min weight will pull the stuff too, then ballast where they need it. (yea, I know about balast rules, but there are tons of ways around that.) So, your trivial gain on the rest of the class is nearly nulified.

But even debating that point is moot, because PCAs won't, in my opinion, give the random underdog (the models that have little representation) a weight break. They will, I bet, try to bring the obvious overdogs back to the fold by adding weight to them.

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]