It is my opinion that the ITAC is all to often used as a skapegoat by the Comp Board.
The CB seems to only care about national classes even though the IT/SM groups pay entry fees and sometimes turn out in larger numbers. This is unfortunate, but currently that is what we have to deal with.
It also disappoints me when IT guys/gals whine about their car being uncompetitive and then saying they won't write letters to the ITAC, CB and the BOD (you have to send to all these guys) because "it won't do any good". This is only partially true. The respective boards don't want to hear whining. They need facts, documentation and sources to be able to check it out.
That said I may as well give you guys my story since I'm new around here.
My name is Nico and I race an ITB Scirocco. I race it because it was in my driveway and I have a lot of parts for it. At first I thought it was unfair that I had to be 90# heavier than the Rabbit and only 10# lighter than the Golf. For a brief second I thought about composing an unfounded whiny letter before the car was even finished. I was still tempted to when it was completed because it was so light (2120# with driver) and other people "said" it was uncompetitive. Thanks to the gentleman I work for (Charlie Clark Area 6 Director) I went ahead and put the pasenger seat, spare tire, more tubes in the cage and some ballast back in the car to meet the required weight of 2270# with driver.
I may not be beating everyone but I'm not last either, In fact Chris Albin said he was fairly surprised at the cars ability, even with the stock motor of unknown mileage. Besides, racing is just too damn much fun to get all whiny, and I enjoy my little "uncompetitive" turd that I drive to the track. That's my story and thanks to everyone for the well thought posts on this thread, you have my respect.