Originally posted by Knestis:
The rulebook could be SO much better if someone were actually empowered to rewrite sections of it as questions arise and technology changes. As it is, the process seems to allow changes only a line or two at a time - adding, deleting, or editing just few words at a time.

Kirk, I agree with you. The problem is that with rewrites (just like writing rules initially) is unintended consequences. That would lead to the moving target that Darin is talking about.

I understand both sides of this equation. You are right that changing a line at a time or a few words at a time makes some of the rules seem disjointed and leaving one thinking they need a secret decoder ring. I will say that if one does read carefully, most things can be figured out. Too bad it takes so much effort. However, the other side of this is potentially, there could be many large changes on a regular basis and this would bring its own problems.

I don't know what the answer is. Of course, with a smaller population (such as with a pro series) this is easier to do because unintended consequences are generally found pretty quickly and can even be handled on a personal level.

Much tougher in club racing.

George Roffe
Houston, TX
84 944 ITS car under construction
92 ITS Sentra SE-R occasionally borrowed