Rule: 10 Safety 2. B Additional reinforcement may be added to support the fuel cell but such reinforcement shall not attach to the roll cage.

I would interpet that as allowing additional reinforcemt to the fuel tank. It would be possible under the rules that you were intending on installing a fuel cell or at one time had one and now have a stock tank which is also legal. I would see it as a non-issue under the rules. It doesnt give the person a competitive advantage. It will add weight to the car and the reinforcement would have to follow the rules that govern hight to ground. Other than that, I say go for it..

Stacey M. Bertran Running for SCCA Board member.

Stacey_B AOL IM: SCCAStaceyIB 1990PGL SCCA STSL "Girls Do It Better" Cal Club T&S, BWRP,WS,Lag,Hallett : Racing is my life. Winner One Lap of America 2003- SSGT2 class 1996 Ford Probe GT.