I just have to say Thanks for posting this topic. First off, I am glad nobody was seriously hurt. But this topic does remind us (drivers) that there are risks on the track. I like to think of them as a calculated risks. A fuel fire may not be likely, but if the odds are increased by adding a few protective bars behind the fuel tank...Why not add one or three.

I'm planning some changes for a GT-3 1st gen chassis I bought. Hopefully I can get all these changes done for next year...But one of the changes was going to be to beef up the cell protection. If I was staying in IT, I would seriously think about welding in a few pieces of steel behind the stock tank.

Yes, we should always comply with the rules, so maybe this is something that should be forwarded to the powers that be. Or has this been proposed in the past?

Allen Brown
#36 IT-1
GT-3 in 2004 or 2005
[email protected]