Originally posted by Jake:
Does it make sense to get a $140 header a $150 coating? Here's the bugger:
Heres whats really funny. (I have an IT/A Corolla, and have had several custom MR2's, including a 20v one).

The picture says Corolla, but is the MR2 header!

It's essentially junk, and makes about the same power as stock, but I couldn't resist doing an aftermarket one either.

Anyhow, if you are serious about doing the best you can in IT, Have it coated, AND wrap it. Reduced temps and the ability to make more power due to the retained energy in the gas flow. Hotter headers = faster deterioration, but the ceramic takes care of that part.

Suck it up and do both.

[This message has been edited by Spinnetti (edited October 24, 2004).]