Originally posted by grega:
The SR20DE has a very big problem with coolant cavitation at the water pump at high RPMs, and is susceptible to near-hydro lock at times. Further, the power steering fluid gets literally beaten to death, getting so hot that it deforms and almost melts the power steering lines.
Sorrry for the OT reply.... I don't know for sure about Nissan pumps, but other P/S pumps I've seen can be disassembled and some of the pump vanes removed. Hopefully that helps. Also for the water pump I just read something this weekend on this engine building page, http://www.theoldone.com/articles/badtothebone/
(search for the word vanes), which talked about trimming the water pump vanes. No first had experience with this one.

Jeremy Lucas
Team Honda Research

[This message has been edited by jlucas (edited May 09, 2004).]