Quote Originally Posted by Knestis View Post

I know that CRB members are deferential to their respective category "experts," so your position can easily steer the body's decision. When you deny here that a tall box with a high center of gravity will, all other things being equal, be slower than a short box with a low CoG with the same power, I know you're using criteria other than physics or some other objective measure to make determinations about how you direct those conversations.

So, yeah - I'm still a little pissed off, I'm an ideologue, and I value transparency and character - or at least the appearance of character - above the tradition and culture of these rule-making bodies. If you and the board want my trust, get the two guys benefiting from STL rules out of their position as sole conduit of information beyond what's captured in the web-based system. Recuse yourselves from board decisions that benefit you. Be transparent. Don't engineer any more end runs around the ad hoc.

Kirk (who figures he's probably un-invited on that ARRC seat deal now )

So I guess that is a no? You can't let this go. Do you have any long lasting hostility with your first grade teacher you would like to bring up while we are at it? Maybe the kid who stole your milk money growing up?

I am not going to discuss this again other than to say what wont be popular here. I did not think you in particular or the ITAC as a whole was doing a very good job at the time. I don't deny saying that. We will always have a difference of opinions there. This is nothing new.

The rest ITAC drama, I read blah, blah blah, blah blah blah.. I have heard all of this from you before, responded several times before. To my knowledge, no email you ever sent me went unanswered. You have a pretentious way about your emails and posts that keeps sucking me in, so I doubt I could have not replied even if I really wanted to.

I am going to move forward with STL now.. If you want to continue here with 5 year old ITAC stuff, unfortunately you will be discussing without me.

1)I have read here several times that no one on STAC has any issues with things going through the CRB? yet you keep beating that drum. I am not even a liaison on that call. I think I have sat in on post runoffs calls to share my opinions and maybe 2 other calls in three years?

2)I think for the 3rd or forth time I am saying in 3 or 4 different ways... A miata, a sportscar, a car with a frontal are x is always going to be faster than econobox with all other things being equal..

But again for the second or third time... all other things ARE NOT EQUAL NOW.. In fact very few are equal.
A proper built econobox is at a HP and straight line advantage and weighs less. I agree the debate is open for how much faster it should be, why and how to get there.

As for ARRC deal... Still stands for both of you. If lucky, we may have a broken brake line or stuck throttle cable at just the right time