Greg is right (god did I just say that). ITEZ is a catch all class. There is absolutely no guarantee of competitiveness. And Dave the only other one we have up here at this prep level is ITE which is very fast and runs with big bore.
IT EZ is an opportunity for LeChump and other orphans to race with NER SCCA. I have no idea how many if any LeChumpers want to race with us. Some say they are not interested in a sprint format. If we actually have a LeChump level cars show up it will be easy to create a class for them but first we need to PROVE that there is a demand.
NER has a pretty good series in 2014. 6 weekends, three tracks, it is going to be a good place to race.
Dave and Mike you both said put the cars of street tires now and it will be easy to change later. Are you guys on crack? Have you not met SCCA? All rule sets get more restrictive as a class matures. Adding a tire rule will be easy (or more likely adding a street tire class) if there is demand. Removing a restriction from the rules shakes the club at its very foundation.
So stop arguing. The rules do not have a street tire restriction. If you want one stop arguing on the internet and show up with a crap box at our events. I will not even consider a street tire class unless racers prove a little demand.