Quote Originally Posted by gran racing View Post
I'm surprised you're not getting more out of them. I thought street tires have a much longer life span?
+1, cheese grater track?

I have ~18 hours on my Azenis 615Ks, other than one that's sort of flat spotted, they have at least another half that left, or more.

I have probably 20+ hours on my Ecsta XS (which don't meet the 200tw requirements for most street tire series, but ARE streets), and they came to me as a completely unknown quantity. I'd use them another 2 pdx days, AT LEAST. A novice or inter PDX driver could probably go another 10-12 hours on them with no trouble.

I did a Lemons with another team on the Dunlop Z1s, 14 hours and they had at least another 6+ hours on them with no issues, E30 BMW.

I'm pretty sure others are seeing the same numbers out of the Z2s and the Rivals. IE if you're somewhat diligent with them re flat spotting (to which streets are pretty resistant) and rotation, 24 hard track hours are not out of the qustion for a set.

Notable with at least the ones I've had direct experience with, the 615k, XS and Z1, the tires are very very consistent along it's life. Example, the Z1 on the E30 was at Lightning. I ran my fastest laps of the event in the cool on the second day after the tires had been run for ~9-10 hours. And that was well into my stint.