what's this talk of dropping the Power/weight in ITS? if we did that, we should run the whole category down and drop the slow cars down a class. that means wheel issues for the A-B cusp, changed weights for everyone, new decals for some, loss or gaining of competitiveness, and a lot of other things that tickle the grumpy zones in people.

ITR in general is not enough faster than ITS. I'd rather fix R as a whole (at minimum do as we have discussed in the past and rerun everything to a single process, picking the least change inducing while most equitable compromise). ITR is small, newer, known to be a bit "off" and has low enough subscription right now that we could move it up a tick to make it work without rocking the boat for everyone in IT. it would force the little cars out to S, and I'm FINE with that, as I'm sure most (the?) Celica driver(s) would be. if the E36 Bimmer is classed light, we should look at that, too. Maybe even reindex it as the benchmark based on known power to weight and bring the rest of the class in line. the only car I worry about if ITR were reweighted lighter is the S2000. How much ballast does the Flatout car run, AB?