Quote Originally Posted by Z3_GoCar View Post
You think the tubo guys will like being slowed down to EP lap times? Then you think us N/A guys are going to wait around while you didle with the TIR size to weight chart to slow them to that point? If none of the N/A guys show up next year there'll be what... maybe 5 STU cars? I know that Royle's already gone to EP, so has Matt, Rosenburg's sold his car. Not that it matters much, but I'm just this close to going EP too, STU's about to do an ITR in So-Pac.

What else do you suggest we do, James; ban turbo cars entirely? Isn't that more than a bit self-centered and unrealistic? If E Prod is such the perfect answer, why didn't you go there in the first place many years ago? Honestly, James, in my personal opinion the foot-stomping and whining has gotten to the point where I'm thinking "hey, don't let the door hit you in the ass"...

There's a reason you're racing Super Touring, whatever it is, and that's the goal we're trying to hit. And threatening to leave won't change that effort (ask your California T1 Corvette drivers how that worked out for them).


P.S. Read my sig...