Quote Originally Posted by Greg Amy View Post
Purely a personal opinion, but "no". Turbo engines are coming to the fore in the new car market - especially low-displacement ones - and if you send them packing, where else in the SCCA can they come and play?

Nope, I suggest this is a process we'll need to continue to tweak until we get it "right" (or at least "close"). - GA
You think the tubo guys will like being slowed down to EP lap times? Then you think us N/A guys are going to wait around while you didle with the TIR size to weight chart to slow them to that point? If none of the N/A guys show up next year there'll be what... maybe 5 STU cars? I know that Royle's already gone to EP, so has Matt, Rosenburg's sold his car. Not that it matters much, but I'm just this close to going EP too, STU's about to do an ITR in So-Pac.