I've been chasing lean AFR's on my 95 Miata on a Megasquirt ECU

I don't have an adjustable FPR on the car right now

First steps were to change fuel filter , and clean injectors. Injector #1 "before test" showed that it was " dripping ". The other 3 were within the acceptable range. OK , that should solve the lean condition in #1

I added a pressure gauge and I'm getting 33 PSI at idle. When I give it a few RPM's ( maybe 3,000 ) it goes to 45'ish then drops back in the 33 range

It's sunday afternoon in my deed restricted neighborhood , so I can't really see what the FP or AFR is going to look like between 6000-7000 RPM.

Can somebody confirm that I'm on the right path , and/or add to my understanding of what I'm looking for