Quote Originally Posted by JeffYoung View Post
Doubtful (to me). The committee discussed this on the last call. The rationale for not having it doesn't make sense. Couple that with not wanting to change the Ops Manual except in extraordinary circumstances and my guess is it stays.
Agree or disagree with the rule, we have shown you that it was mistakenly omitted with 3 levels of proof. I think it is your responsibility to correct the Document and then make changes as you see fit later on a categorical level. Not allow the mistake to stay because it satisfies your current position.

No offense here but your stance does not make sense to me. A mistake was made. Correct it. Then it affects one car. If you allow it to remain, it affects way more.

The extraordinary circumstance is that it is WRONG. An error was made in it's omission. If you left out the FWD subtractor by accident, would you be willing to let that sit? Of course not. Come on, fix the mistake.