>> I think that most (if not all) new racers coming into IT use this second line of logic when it comes to rules and therefore, when they see these incredibly acrimonious debates over suggested changes that, from their point of view are no-brainers, they get turned off and start looking for other clubs. They don't care about what the original purpose of the class was, they're just looking for a low cost, straightforward way to get on track.

But what they don't have the experience to understand (and what you don't seem to get) is that each of them - as an individual - is only going to be in the game for a few years, on average. If we give every short-timer what he wants, the entire category gets dorked up for the everyone in a few years, and the guys/gals who pushed for the changes are long gone anyway.

The ITAC's first obligation is to the category. Second, to the Club. Third - a distant third - comes any individual group of racers, defined by a geography, class, marque, or time period.

Racers are, by and large, a bunch of selfish pricks. They want to win and if an entire program has to lose because of it, many of them don't care.

IT has some of the best racing in the SCCA. Add a bunch of new allowances and the distance between the front and back of the grids will get even bigger. If someone wants to monkey with things more than IT allows (yeah, I'm gonna do it) they can run Production. Or STx. If someone doesn't want that, wants what is good about IT, but then wants to shove the category closer to those more open categories WTF do they choose IT in the first place...?